Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Daily bread

Recently, I've been finding myself more and more distant from Christ. Which is ironic, considering now is one of the times in my life that I need Christ more than anything. It's senior year, and I'm making decisions that decide what path I will embark on for the rest of my life. 
You see, I'm not purposefully choosing to distance myself from God. It's just that I'm finding myself busier than ever. My plate is filled with school, family, friends, college craziness, ACT, social media, and that's just the beginning of the list. So, in the mist of all these things, God always seems to get pushed to the end of the list. Again, not intentionally, it just seems to happen. For instance, after spending a weekend with my family and friends, I'm left with piles of homework on a Sunday. So of course I make up the inadequate excuse that I simply don't have the time to make it to church. Or if I don't have homework, I make up some other excuse to keep from going to church. 
So I'm left with this question: WHY? 
Why am I putting everything else in my life before Christ while Christ is yearning for me to pay attention to him? 
A priest once told me during reconciliation that we should treat God like a boyfriend. After I got over being completely weirded out over the fact that a priest just told me to treat God as my boyfriend, I began to really listen to what he was telling me. Think of it like this: Imagine your best friend or significant other. What happens when you don't text or call them all day? They get upset, right? Now, what if you don't contact them for an entire week, they'd think that something's wrong or that you're hurt or even dead. Imagine the worry that they go through during this week, imagine the hurt they experience. 

God feels the same pain. 

I guess it's kind of like the saying, "The Bible is meant to be daily bread, not wine for special occasions." If we devoted as much time to God as we do to our friends, significant others, or social lives, how much more fulfilled would we be? Christ truly wants to be our best friends. He already knows how we feel when we are upset, he already knows how mad that person made you, he already knows the depths of our hearts and all that affects us. He knows, and yet he yearns for us to share our ever trial and joy with him, because he wants to have a truly intimate relationship with us. God wants us to speak to him all the time, not just when things are great, and not just when things are bad. If we did this, instead of waiting until everything comes crashing down, wouldn't that make the crash much more padded? 
I'm not saying that God will take away all of your struggles if you devote more time to him, but his presence in your life certainly makes the rising and falling much more pleasant.  

I guess I'm preaching to the choir here, since I'm the one who really needs to take all of this advice. All I know is that I really need to start taking that father's advice, and I hope that I can encourage you all to do the same. Not only do I need God to guide me through this final year of high school, I need him to lead me through this journey to make my way back to Romania. I hope and pray that we can all begin to make God our daily bread, not just our wine for special occasions. 

Isaiah 58:11 
And the Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail. 

-Katie :)

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